Black and White 3: Genesis

September 24, 2023

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A Gen II hack created as a third Gen V game with a translation of Unova to the GBC and a new story that follows where Black 2 and White 2 left off.
  • Tilesets look good and make the game look a lot different than its rom base.
  • Good variety of Pokemon that allow for interesting team building.
  • Rival storyline is a bit odd, but fun and unique.
  • The storyline adds some unique context and use for one of the more underutilized Unovan legendary Pokemon.
  • There is a pretty sharp difficulty spike towards the mid-late game.
  • More sci-fi storyline turns may turn off some.
5/5 Stars


I lost my review of this because I didn't hit save, but I still wanted this on the site because I liked it so much. Go play it and read the summary above!