Item Changes

August 1, 2022
| Pokémon Renegade Platinum         |
| Item Changes (v1.3.0)             |

Modified Items
The following items now have a "Use" option like evolutionary stones:
- Deep Sea Scale
- Deep Sea Tooth
- Dragon Scale
- Dubious Disc
- Electirizer
- King's Rock
- Magmarizer
- Metal Coat
- Protector
- Reaper Cloth
- Up-Grade

The following items have had adjustments to their costs:
- Poké Ball     ($200 >> $50)
- Great Ball    ($600 >> $150)
- Ultra Ball    ($1200 >> $300)

The following items now cost zero and are thus unsellable:
- All TMs

Modified TMs
The following TMs have had their moves changed (compatibility matches Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon plus extras as listed in Pokémon Changes):
- TM55: Brine >> Scald
- TM57: Charge Beam >> Wild Charge
- TM62: Silver Wind >> Bug Buzz
- TM83: Natural Gift >> Hyper Voice
- TM85: Dream Eater >> Dazzling Gleam
- TM88: Pluck >> Hurricane

Additionally, all TMs will now have a quantity of 99 when obtained.
- No TMs are available within Poké Marts.
- An NPC at the Pokémon League can reset your inventory to have 99 of all TMs.

Item Locations
Item                    Locations
---                     ---
Adamant Orb             Mt. Coronet
Amulet Coin             Amity Square
Big Root                Route 214
Black Belt              Route 221
Black Flute             Mt. Coronet
Black Glasses           Route 215, Celestic Town
Black Sludge            Great Marsh
Blue Flute              Route 216
Blue Scarf              Pastoria City
Bright Powder           Mt. Coronet
Charcoal                Route 227, attached to Charmander, Cyndaquil and Torchic gifts
Choice Band             Route 214
Choice Scarf            Solaceon Ruins
Choice Specs            Celestic Town (from NPC at Morning)
Cleanse Tag             Lost Tower
Damp Rock               Route 220
Dawn Stone              Eterna City (Gift from Bike Shop Owner), Mt. Coronet, Route 212 (South) (Hidden), Route 225, Veilstone Dept. Store (Buyable)
Deep Sea Scale          Floaroma Town, Veilstone Game Corner Prize (Buyable)
Deep Sea Tooth          Floaroma Town, Veilstone Game Corner Prize (Buyable)
Destiny Knot            Route 205, Route 224
Dragon Fang             Celestic Town
Dragon Scale            Veilstone City (NPC in Pokémon Center), Victory Road, Snowpoint City (Buyable)
Dubious Disc            Veilstone City, Snowpoint City (Buyable)
Dusk Stone              Wayward Cave (Hidden), Wayward Cave, Galactic Warehouse, Victory Road, Veilstone Dept. Store (Buyable)
Electirizer             Hotel Grand Lake (Route 213), Snowpoint City (Buyable)
Everstone               Veilstone Dept. Store (Buyable)
Exp. Share              Route 203
Expert Belt             Ravaged Path, Veilstone Game Corner Prize
Fire Stone              Oreburgh Mine, Route 211 (East), Fuego Ironworks, Solaceon Ruins (Hidden), Stark Mountain (Hidden), Veilstone Dept. Store (Buyable)
Flame Orb               Veilstone Game Corner Prize (Buyable)
Focus Band              Wayward Cave
Focus Sash              Route 221, Veilstone Game Corner Prize (Buyable)
Full Incense            Veilstone City
Green Scarf             Pastoria City
Grip Claw               Wayward Cave
Griseous Orb            Distortion World
Hard Stone              Route 207
Heat Rock               Route 214
Ice Stone               Oreburgh Mine, Route 216, Route 217 (Ice Rock), Snowpoint Temple, Veilstone Dept. Store (Buyable)
Icy Rock                Route 217
Iron Ball               Iron Island
King's Rock             Wayward Cave, Celestic Town (Hidden), Veilstone Game Corner Prize (Buyable)
Lagging Tail            Route 226
Lax Incense             Route 225
Leaf Stone              Oreburgh Mine, Eterna Forest (Moss Rock), Floaroma Meadow, Great Marsh (Hidden), Route 225 (Hidden), Veilstone Dept. Store (Buyable)
Leftovers               Victory Road, Veilstone Game Corner Prize (Buyable)
Life Orb                Route 210 (South), Stark Mountain, Veilstone Game Corner Prize (Buyable)
Light Ball              Floaroma Town
Light Clay              Oreburgh Gate, Veilstone Game Corner Prize (Buyable)
Luck Incense            Ravaged Path
Lucky Egg               Pokémon Mansion
Lucky Punch             Floaroma Town
Lustrous Orb            Mt. Coronet
Macho Brace             Pastoria City
Magmarizer              Hotel Grand Lake (Route 213), Snowpoint City (Buyable)
Magnet                  Valley Windworks
Mental Herb             Route 216, Veilstone Game Corner Prize (Buyable)
Metal Coat              Route 207, Iron Island, Veilstone Game Corner Prize (Buyable), Sunyshore City
Metal Powder            Floaroma Town
Metronome               Amity Square, Veilstone Game Corner Prize (Buyable)
Miracle Seed            Route 204 (North), Floaroma Meadow, attached to Bulbasaur, Chikorita and Treecko gifts
Moon Stone              Oreburgh Mine, Mt. Coronet (Route 211 entrance), Eterna City (Hidden), Mt. Coronet (Hidden), Veilstone Dept. Store (Buyable)
Muscle Band             Oreburgh Mine, Veilstone Game Corner Prize (Buyable)
Mystic Water            Pastoria City, attached to Squirtle, Totodile and Mudkip gifts
Never-Melt Ice          Snowpoint Temple, Trade for Spheal in Oreburgh
Odd Incense             Solaceon Ruins
Oval Stone              Oreburgh City, Lost Tower, Veilstone Dept. Store (Buyable)
Pink Scarf              Pastoria City
Poison Barb             Route 206, Trade for Skorupi in Floaroma
Power Anklet            Solaceon Town
Power Band              Solaceon Town
Power Belt              Solaceon Town
Power Bracer            Solaceon Town
Power Herb              Veilstone Game Corner Prize (Buyable)
Power Lens              Solaceon Town
Power Weight            Solaceon Town
Prism Scale             Mt. Coronet, Snowpoint City (Buyable)
Protector               Iron Island, Route 228, Snowpoint City (Buyable)
Pure Incense            Route 221
Quick Claw              Jubilife City
Quick Powder            Floaroma Town
Razor Claw              Route 215, Veilstone Galactic HQ, Route 224, Victory Road, Snowpoint City (Buyable)
Razor Fang              Route 215, Route 214 (Hidden), Snowpoint City (Buyable)
Reaper Cloth            Lost Tower, Acuity Lakefront, Route 229, Snowpoint City (Buyable)
Red Flute               Route 211 (East)
Red Scarf               Pastoria City
Rock Incense            Fuego Ironworks
Rose Incense            Route 212
Scope Lens              Jubilife City, Fight Area
Sea Incense             Route 204
Sharp Beak              Trade for Chatot in Eterna, Valor Lakefront
Shed Shell              Great Marsh, Route 228
Shell Bell              Hearthome City
Shiny Stone             Hearthome City, Iron Island, Route 210 (North) (Hidden), Veilstone Dept. Store (Buyable)
Silk Scarf              Route 203
Silver Powder           Eterna Forest
Smoke Ball              Route 210
Smooth Rock             Iron Island
Soft Sand               Mt. Coronet
Soothe Bell             Route 203, Pokémon Mansion
Soul Dew                Oreburgh City
Spell Tag               Old Chateau, Route 217
Stick                   Floaroma Town
Sticky Barb             Veilstone Dept. Store
Sun Stone               Oreburgh Mine, Eterna City, Valor Lakefront (Hidden), Mt. Coronet (Hidden), Veilstone Dept. Store (Buyable)
Thick Club              Floaroma Town
Thunder Stone           Oreburgh Mine, Route 206, Solaceon Ruins (Hidden), Sunyshore City, Route 229 (Hidden), Veilstone Dept. Store (Buyable)
Toxic Orb               Galactic HQ, Veilstone Game Corner Prize (Buyable)
Twisted Spoon           Route 209
Up-Grade                Hearthome City, Snowpoint City (Buyable)
Water Stone             Oreburgh Mine, Route 205, Solaceon Ruins (Hidden), Route 213, Route 230 (Hidden), Veilstone Dept. Store (Buyable)
Wave Incense            Route 210 (North)
White Flute             Valor Lakefront
White Herb              Floaroma Meadow, Veilstone Game Corner Prize (Buyable)
Wide Lens               Veilstone Game Corner Prize
Wise Glasses            Eterna Galactic Building, Veilstone Game Corner Prize (Buyable), Celestic Town
Yellow Flute            Route 210 (North)
Yellow Scarf            Pastoria City
Zoom Lens               Veilstone Game Corner Prize (Buyable)

TM Locations
A * means the location has changed from the original Platinum.

TM                      Location                        Obtained
---                     ---                             ---
TM01 Focus Punch        Oreburgh Gate                   Item on ground
TM02 Dragon Claw        Mt. Coronet                     Item on ground
TM03 Water Pulse        Route 218                       Item on ground          *
TM04 Calm Mind          Solaceon Ruins                  Item on ground          *
TM05 Roar               Route 213                       Item on ground
TM06 Toxic              Route 212 (South)               Item on ground
TM07 Hail               Route 217                       Item on ground
TM08 Bulk Up            Route 205 (South)               Item on ground          *
TM09 Bullet Seed        Route 204 (North)               Item on ground
TM10 Hidden Power       Jubilife City                   Gift from NPC           *
TM11 Sunny Day          Route 212 (North)               Item on ground
TM12 Taunt              Route 211 (West)                Item on ground
TM13 Ice Beam           Route 216                       Gift from NPC           *
TM14 Blizzard           Lake Acuity                     Item on ground
TM15 Hyper Beam         Sunyshore City                  Gift from NPC           *
TM16 Light Screen       Eterna Galactic Building        Item on ground          *
TM17 Protect            Great Marsh                     Gift from NPC           *
TM18 Rain Dance         Route 223                       Item on ground
TM19 Giga Drain         Route 209                       Item on ground
TM20 Safeguard          Route 212 (North)               Item on ground          *
TM21 Frustration        Galactic HQ                     Item on ground
TM22 Solar Beam         Route 210                       Item on ground          *
TM23 Iron Tail          Iron Island                     Item on ground
TM24 Thunderbolt        Valley Windworks                Item on ground
TM25 Thunder            Lake Valor                      Item on ground
TM26 Earthquake         Veilstone City Dept. Store      Gift from Bertha        *
TM27 Return             Eterna Forest                   Gift from Cheryl        *
TM28 Dig                Eterna City                     Gift from NPC           *
TM29 Psychic            Solaceon Town                   Gift from Lucian        *
TM30 Shadow Ball        Hearthome City                  Gift from Fantina       *
TM31 Brick Break        Oreburgh Gate                   Item on ground
TM32 Double Team        Wayward Cave                    Item on ground
TM33 Reflect            Eterna Galactic Building        Item on ground          *
TM34 Shock Wave         Valley Windworks                Item on ground          *
TM35 Flamethrower       Fuego Ironworks                 Item on ground
TM36 Sludge Bomb        Great Marsh                     Item on ground          *
TM37 Sandstorm          Route 228                       Item on ground
TM38 Fire Blast         Lake Verity                     Item on ground
TM39 Rock Tomb          Ravaged Path                    Item on ground
TM40 Aerial Ace         Floaroma Town                   Gift from NPC           *
TM41 Torment            Route 213                       Item on ground          *
TM42 Facade             Jubilife City                   Gift from NPC           *
TM43 Secret Power       Amity Square                    Item on ground
TM44 Rest               Hearthome City                  Gift from NPC           *
TM45 Attract            Amity Square                    Item on ground
TM46 Thief              Eterna City                     Item on ground
TM47 Steel Wing         Route 209                       Item on ground
TM48 Skill Swap         Canalave City                   Gift from NPC
TM49 Snatch             Galactic Warehouse              Item on ground
TM50 Overheat           Sunyshore City                  Gift from Flint         *
TM51 Roost              Route 210 (South)               Gift from NPC
TM52 Focus Blast        Route 217                       Gift from Maylene       *
TM53 Energy Ball        Valor Lakefront                 Item on ground          *
TM54 False Swipe        Eterna City                     Gift from NPC           *
TM55 Scald              Hearthome City                  Gift from NPC           *
TM56 Fling              Route 222                       Item on ground
TM57 Wild Charge        Sunyshore Gym                   Gift from Volkner
TM58 Endure             Route 203                       Item on ground          *
TM59 Dragon Pulse       Maniac Tunnel                   Item on ground          *
TM60 Drain Punch        Veilstone Gym                   Gift from Maylene
TM61 Will-O-Wisp        Lost Tower                      Item on ground          *
TM62 Bug Buzz           Route 212 (South)               Item on ground
TM63 Embargo            Veilstone City                  Gift from NPC
TM64 Explosion          Game Corner                     Gift from NPC
TM65 Shadow Claw        Old Chateau                     Item on ground          *
TM66 Payback            Route 215                       Item on ground
TM67 Recycle            Eterna City                     Gift from NPC
TM68 Giga Impact        Victory Road                    Item on ground          *
TM69 Rock Polish        Mt. Coronet                     Item on ground
TM70 Flash              Oreburgh Gate                   Item on ground
TM71 Stone Edge         Ravaged Path                    Item on ground          *
TM72 Avalanche          Snowpoint City                  Gift from Candice
TM73 Thunder Wave       Eterna Galactic Bldg            Item on ground          *
TM74 Gyro Ball          Route 206                       Item on ground          *
TM75 Swords Dance       Route 208                       Item on ground          *
TM76 Stealth Rock       Oreburgh Gym                    Gift from Roark
TM77 Psych Up           Route 211                       Gift from NPC
TM78 Captivate          Eterna Forest Outside           Gift from NPC
TM79 Dark Pulse         Veilstone City                  Item on ground          *
TM80 Rock Slide         Eterna City                     Gift from NPC           *
TM81 X-Scissor          Route 208                       Gift from Aaron         *
TM82 Sleep Talk         Eterna Forest Outside           Item on ground
TM83 Hyper Voice        Route 215                       Item on ground          *
TM84 Poison Jab         Route 212 (South)               Item on ground
TM85 Dazzling Gleam     Wayward Cave                    Gift from Mira          *
TM86 Grass Knot         Eterna Gym                      Gift from Gardenia
TM87 Swagger            Pokémon Mansion                 Gift from NPC
TM88 Hurricane          Route 210 (North)               Item on ground          *
TM89 U-turn             Canalave City                   Item on ground
TM90 Substitute         Old Chateau                     Item on ground
TM91 Flash Cannon       Canalave Gym                    Gift from Byron
TM92 Trick Room         Route 213                       Gift from NPC
HM01 Cut                Eterna City                     Gift from Cynthia
HM02 Fly                Galactic Warehouse              Item on ground
HM03 Surf               Celestic Town                   Gift from NPC
HM04 Strength           Iron Island                     Gift from Riley
HM05 Defog              Solaceon Ruins                  Item on ground
HM06 Rock Smash         Oreburgh Gate                   Gift from NPC
HM07 Waterfall          Pastoria Gym                    Gift from Wake          *
HM08 Rock Climb         Snowpoint City                  Gift from Candice       *

Plate Locations
The sixteen Arceus plates (Pixie Plate was not added) have all been removed from their normal locations.
You can get them either from the Underground or defeating the Master Trainer of that type.
Master Trainers will appear after speaking to the old lady in the Foreign Building in Hearthome after becoming Champion.

Item                    Master Trainer Location
---                     ---
Draco Plate             Celestic Town - Ruins
Dread Plate             Sendoff Spring - Entrance
Earth Plate             Oreburgh Gate - 1F
Fist Plate              Veilstone City - Massager's House
Flame Plate             Route 226 - Survival Area side
Icicle Plate            Snowpoint City - Right of Gym
Insect Plate            Route 202 - South on route
Iron Plate              Iron Island - Outside entrance to cave
Meadow Plate            Floaroma Meadow - Right of house
Mind Plate              Solaceon Ruins - Entrance
Sky Plate               Pokémon League - Right of League entrance
Splash Plate            Route 219 - Sandgem side
Spooky Plate            Lost Tower - 1F
Stone Plate             Route 207 - Above mud slide to the right
Toxic Plate             Great Marsh - Upstairs observatory
Zap Plate               Sunyshore City - Lighthouse

Key Items
A * means the location has changed from the original Platinum.
A ** means the key item is new to Renegade Platinum.

Azure Flute             Hearthome City - Foreign Building   Gift from NPC       *
Vs. Recorder            Jubilife City                       Gift from Looker
Bicycle                 Twinleaf Town                       Gift from Mom       *
Blue Orb                Oreburgh City                       Gift from Steven    **
Coin Case               Veilstone City                      Gift from NPC
Fashion Case            Jubilife City                       Gift from NPC
Galactic Key            Galactic HQ                         Item on ground
Gracidea Flower         Floaroma Town                       Gift from NPC
Good Rod                Route 209                           Gift from NPC
GS Ball                 Celestic Town                       Gift from event     **
Jade Orb                Oreburgh City                       Gift from Steven    **
Journal                 Twinleaf Town                       Gift from Mom
Lunar Wing              Fullmoon Island                     Gift from event
Member Card             Route 217                           Gift from NPC       *
Mysterious Invitation   Survival Area - Battleground        Gift from NPC       **
Oak's Letter            Eterna City                         Gift from Oak       *
Old Charm               Route 210                           Gift from Cynthia
Old Rod                 Route 218                           Gift from NPC
Pal Pad                 Pokémon Center Basement             Gift from NPC
Parcel                  Twinleaf Town                       Gift from NPC
Poffin Case             Hearthome City                      Gift from NPC
Poké Radar              Sandgem Town                        Gift from Rowan     *
Rainbow Wing            Eterna City                         Gift from Oak       **
Red Orb                 Oreburgh City                       Gift from Steven    **
Seal Case               Solaceon Town                       Gift from NPC
Secret Key              Galactic Eterna Building            Item on ground
Secret Potion           Valor Lakefront                     Gift from Cynthia
Silver Wing             Eterna City                         Gift from Oak       **
Sprayduck               Floaroma Town                       Gift from NPC
Suite Key               Route 213                           Item on ground (hidden)
Super Rod               Snowpoint City                      Gift from NPC       *
Tea                     Pal Park                            Gift from Darach    **
Town Map                Jubilife City                       Gift from rival
VS Seeker               Route 207                           Gift from Dawn/Lucas
Works Key               Floaroma Meadow                     Gift from NPC

Replaced Items
The following items (some unobtainable) have been replaced with items from other games.
Items under the "Old Item" column are now unavailable.

Old Item                New Item
---------               ---------
Contest Pass            Ice Stone
Coupon 1                Red Orb
Coupon 2                Blue Orb
Coupon 3                Jade Orb
Loot Sack               Prism Scale
Point Card              Silver Wing
Rule Book               Rainbow Wing
S.S. Ticket             Tea
Seal Bag                GS Ball *
Storage Key             Mysterious Invitation **

* Thank you to for the item sprite.
** A completely new item that is used in the Mewtwo event.