Type Changes

August 1, 2022
| Pokémon Renegade Platinum         |
| Type Changes (v1.3.0)             |

General Changes
- Fairy-type is now in the game, replacing what was previously the ??? type.
- All Pokémon that are Fairy-type in Gen VI onwards are also Fairy-type in Renegade Platinum. This is true for the Complete and the Classic versions.
- Rotom's five alternate forms take the secondary type that they have in the Gen V games and onward (i.e. they are not Ghost-type like the normal Platinum).
- For other type changes, they are only present in the Complete version of the hack. If you don't like these changes, use the Classic version patch instead.

Pokémon Type Changes (Complete version only)

Pokémon                 Old Type            New Type                Justification
---                     ---                 ---                     ---
#006 Charizard          Fire / Flying       Fire / Dragon           Inherited from Mega form; draconic appearance.
#038 Ninetales          Fire                Fire / Fairy            Inherited from Alola form; generally quite 'mystical' in appearance.
#055 Golduck            Water               Water / Psychic         Canonically uses Psychic-type moves; commonly mistaken as a Psychic type.
#083 Farfetch'd         Normal / Flying     Fighting / Flying       Able to attack using leek as a weapon; gives it a niche over Normal/Flying Pokémon.
#154 Meganium           Grass               Grass / Fairy           Heavy on the flower aesthetic; heavily voted for by community.
#160 Feraligatr         Water               Water / Dark            Looks intimidating; Pokédex claims it to be savage; voted for by the community.
#164 Noctowl            Normal / Flying     Psychic / Flying        Canonically uses Psychic-type moves; commonly thought that it should be a Psychic type.
#181 Ampharos           Electric            Electric / Dragon       Inherited from Mega form; Japanese name means "Electric dragon"; was Dragon in early G/S development.
#200 Misdreavus         Ghost               Ghost / Fairy           Design inspiration from mythological creatures; mischevious nature; evolved form has a witch aesthetic.
#254 Sceptile           Grass               Grass / Dragon          Inherited from Mega form; commonly requested.
#284 Masquerain         Bug / Flying        Bug / Water             Pre-evolution has Water type; Bug/Water is a fairly unique type combo; still looks a lot like Surskit.
#313 Volbeat            Bug                 Bug / Electric          Learns a lot of Electric attacks; has illumination powers; design looks fitting for Electric.
#314 Illumise           Bug                 Bug / Fairy             Firefly lights look similar to how other games display the Fairy-type; counterpart to Volbeat.
#328 Trapinch           Ground              Bug / Ground            Based on an insect; is in the Bug Egg group; evolved forms also look very Bug-like.
#329 Vibrava            Ground / Dragon     Bug / Dragon            Based on an insect; in Bug Egg group; aesthetic is very Bug-like; learns Bug-type moves; unique type combo.
#330 Flygon             Ground / Dragon     Bug / Dragon            Based on an insect; in Bug Egg group; has Bug-like features; learns Bug-type moves; unique type combo.
#333 Swablu             Normal / Flying     Fairy / Flying          Inherited from Altaria's Mega form; fluffy cloud appearance fits with Fairy.
#334 Altaria            Dragon / Flying     Dragon / Fairy          Inherited from Mega form; fluffy cloud appearance fits with Fairy; common request by community.
#336 Seviper            Poison              Poison / Dark           Evil and intimidating looking; gives it more of a niche; common request by community.
#350 Milotic            Water               Water / Fairy           Elegant aesthetic and mythological mermaid inspiration fit with Fairy-type; heavily voted for by community.
#362 Glalie             Ice                 Ice / Rock              Pokédex entries state Glalie has a body made of rock with ice on top; unique type combo.
#370 Luvdisc            Water               Water / Fairy           Heart and love aesthetic fits with Fairy-type; makes it just a little more noticeable.
#405 Luxray             Electric            Electric / Dark         Intimidating look and general dark coloured aesthetic fit with Dark-type; unique type combo.
#428 Lopunny            Normal              Normal / Fighting       Inherited from Mega form; has a humanoid appearance and learns lots of Fighting-type moves naturally.
#429 Mismagius          Ghost               Ghost / Fairy           Inspired by witches and mages from fairy tales; unique type combo; gives it a specific niche.
#466 Electivire         Electric            Electric / Fighting     Stats are physically focused; learns lots of Fighting moves naturally; Pokédex states it uses fists.
#480 Uxie               Psychic             Psychic / Fairy         Likely inspired by a pixie, a mythlogical creature.
#481 Mesprit            Psychic             Psychic / Fairy         Likely inspired by a sprite, a mythological creature.
#482 Azelf              Psychic             Psychic / Fairy         Likely inspired by a pixie (possibly a gnome..?), a mythlogical creature.